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The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) is a music-centered approach to transformational therapy.


GIM utilizes curated selections of classical music to support the emergence of and movement through inner emotional experiences. In GIM, the music serves as a platform for imagery to surface. This therapeutic process allows one to access and explore both the depths and the heights of the human experience and facilitates integration of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.



In a session (90 mins) you and I will discuss your current life situation, set goals for our work together, and establish a focus for the session. After a brief guided relaxation, the music begins. We will be in dialogue with each other throughout this experience and address themes and images as they arise. You will verbalize your images, feelings, sensations, memories evoked by the music, allowing them to become a vehicle for exploring deeper states of consciousness. This verbal interaction allows us to develop and expand your imagery experiences. At the close of the session, we will reflect upon the insights that arose and establish how you can apply the insights gained in your everyday life.


GIM is grounded in Jungian and experiential models of psychotherapy, as well as Transpersonal Psychology. 

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